About Us
Philosophy / Goals
Country Day School, Inc. is an Early Childhood education program designed for children ages 6 weeks - 12 years old and provides an optimal setting for play and learning. The center is arranged in attractive learning centers designed to capture the child’s interests, natural curiosity, and eagerness to learn. Each center enhances one or more areas of a child’s social, cognitive, emotional, physical, and creative development. Subject areas of math, science, art, music, and literature are integrated into the curriculum through a wide variety of hands-on materials and small and large group activities. Activities and materials are multi-level and open-ended to provide challenges for each child and to enhance their individual development. Our goal is to provide quality childcare in a safe, healthy, nurturing environment in which they can be the unique individuals that they are. Each child will be encouraged to be the best person that they can be and to respect themselves as well as others around him or her. We believe that the lessons we teach will last throughout your child’s life such as sharing, cooperation, respect for others, and self- confidence.
Licensing Statement
Country Day School, Inc.
45960 North Ridge Rd.
Amherst, Ohio 44001
(440) 988-5421
(440) 988-5425
*Tax I.D. is available upon request
This center is licensed to operate legally. The center is licensed to serve, Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers, and School-Age children.
The staff-to-child ratios will be as follows:
Preschoolers School Age Infants Toddlers
1:12(3’s) 1:18(6-12) 1:5(6wks-18mos) 1:7(18mos-30mos)
1:14(4-5’s) 1:8(30mos-36mos)
Max group Size:
Preschooler (3's) Preschooler (4's) School Age
24 28 36
6wks - 18 months 1.5 years - 2.5 years 2.5 years - 3 years
10 7 8
Child Enrollment Policy
Each child attending the center shall have on file the 1st day of attendance on the Child Health & Enrollment, Pick-up & Getting to Know You Forms which will all be updated yearly. A medical exam with attached immunizations, that should be dated within the last twelve months must be on file within thirty days of the child's start date and every thirteen months thereafter until the child is attending Kindergarten. *Non-Immunized children: If your child is not immunized you must have a statement from a physician that an immunization against the disease is medically contradicting for the child or not medically appropriate for the child's age or a statement from the parent that they have declined to have their child immunized against the disease for reasons of conscience including religious convictions. Country Day School may refuse or restrict enrollment for the non-immunized child. In the event that there is a communicable disease, the non-immunized child may be excluded from care for a period of time. This is for the safety of all our children in the center including but not limited to the infants who may not have met immunization age requirements. Once enrolled we do ask that you download the Brightwheel App and accept our invite to join. This is the notification system that we use for center closings, emergencies, group messaging, etc. It is also a great way to stay in touch with your child's teacher & receive photos and see activities throughout the day.
Visitation Policy
Parents or guardians of a child enrolled in the center are welcome to visit the center at any time. Please notify a staff member upon entering the center. Parents are also permitted access to all parts of the center during the pre-admission interview. If any parent/guardian comes into the center, which is not known by the staff member in charge, at that time, the staff member will request to see a valid driver’s license that will be checked with the Child Enrollment form that is on file with each child. If the parent/guardian does not have a valid driver’s license and/or is not listed on the Child Enrollment form, they will be denied access to the center and the parent listed on the form will be notified.
Arrival/Departure Policy
The secured entry in the front foyer area is for your child’s protection. You will not be allowed in without an employee letting you in. There will be a full-view door for you to be able to see inside the facility. Upon arrival and departure, it is the parent's responsibility to make sure their child is signed in and out with their individual classroom. We ask that the parents walk their child to their designated classroom and make sure that the staff member in charge is aware that the child is in attendance and also when leaving make sure that the teacher in charge is aware of the child’s departure. This policy will ensure that no child shall ever be left unsupervised.
Absent Day Policy
If your child will not be attending on their regular scheduled day we do ask that you let us know as far in advance as possible so employee schedules can be adjusted. Please remember also that if you are full-time you will be charged a 3-day minimum and if you are part-time you will be charged a 2-day minimum.
Child Tracking Policy
If your child is scheduled to arrive at the center from school and will not be arriving due to illness or other pickup arrangements, we ask to be notified of any change. If we are not notified we will call the parent(s) first then call the school and the emergency contacts on file to track down the child's whereabouts.
Custody Agreement Policy
Upon enrollment, if there are custodial agreements, copies must be presented at the time of first arrival. All staff members will be aware of custodial agreements and will comply with them. The center must be notified of any changes. Should custodial disagreements occur the staff is obligated, for the safety of the child, to contact the Police Dept.
Release Policy
The center’s policy regarding the release of a child from the center is as follows: The child will only be released to persons 18 years of age or older, except when the parent or guardian has given permission on file. This written permission must be signed and dated by the parent or guardian and the administrator. Only the persons specified on the child’s pick-up form may pick up the child unless Country Day School was given a written request or a verified phone call. The request must state the name of the person and the relationship to the child. The person will also need picture identification. We will not allow your child to leave the center with any unknown, unverified person. Parents or listed pick-up options are required to pick up their child from the center.
Children will be actively supervised at all times by a childcare staff member. They will be responsible for meeting the needs of the children and observing/guiding them throughout the day plus be near enough to respond or reach a child immediately if needed. The childcare staff member will be responsible for having a list of children in their care at all times. *Supervision of School-Age Children - School-age children may run errands inside the building, use the restroom, or engage in a short-term activity in another group with six children or less without adult supervision as long as they are within hearing distance and they will be checked on every 5 minutes. If School-Age children do engage in short-term activities or run errands to other rooms there will be notes added to the attendance sheet for tracking purposes only. Otherwise, all School-Age children will be supervised at all times.
Emergency and Disaster Policy
In case of an emergency or disaster that could occur, Country Day School would follow the posted medical and dental emergency plan and complete an incident report form. The center would administer First-Aid then call 911 for emergency transportation when necessary, and contact parents or authorized persons if parents are unavailable. If emergency transportation is necessary a staff member will accompany the child and take their file which includes their medical record and emergency transportation form. The staff member will stay with the child until released to a parent or guardian. *Emergency Transportation - all parents of enrolled children will be required to grant authorization to take whatever actions are deemed necessary by Country Day School in its best judgment to supply the child emergency medical services, including transportation if it is deemed necessary by CDS or an EMT. In the case of any general emergencies which include, any threats to the safety of the children due to environmental situations, threats of violence, or any natural disasters such as fire, tornado, flood, loss of power, heat, water, etc.
we will evacuate the center and escort all the children to the Leimkeuhler Building, just north (Approx. 500ft.). All children's files along with the disaster kit shall be transported with the children and the parents/guardians shall be notified to pick up their children. Monthly fire drills will be conducted twice a month and an Emergency Lockdown Drill is conducted every three months. A record of drills is kept and is available for review upon request. Fire emergency and Tornado Evacuation Routes are posted in each classroom. Plans include a diagram showing evacuation routes, actions to be taken, and staff responsibilities.
Diapering/Toilet Training
Toilet Training will occur based on a child's readiness and consultation with the parent regarding practices in the child's home. The center will ensure that toilet training is never forced and children shall not be punished for accidents. When your child is ready for toilet training we do ask that your child be placed in pull-ups and we will take them to the potty every hour. Diapers are checked and changed every two hours unless dry and will be recorded throughout the day on Brightwheel. If wet or BM in between they will be changed also.
Meals and Snacks
Balanced meals with food from each of the four basic food groups are served daily. A monthly menu is posted on the Parent Information Board and copies are available for those who want them. Breakfast is served from 8:00 a.m.- 8:30 a.m. daily. It will consist of cereal and fresh fruit. Nutritional snacks will be served to your child at 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. every day. Some examples of the snacks we serve are yogurt, cheese and crackers, wheat thins and cucumbers, and different fruits. Lunch is served daily from 11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. An example of a daily meal would be spaghetti and meatballs, green beans, and applesauce. All meals meet 1/3 of the recommended daily allowance as specified by the USDA. Infants (6 weeks-12 months) will have formula or breast milk. Infants (12 months- 24 months) will have Vitamin D-fortified whole milk, breast milk with written instructions from a physician or, a non-cow milk substitution that is equivalent to milk with parental consent. Children (2 years-12 years) will be given A & D fortified 1% milk. For snacks, 100% juice is served twice a day and Kool-aid is served twice a day for the older children. Water is always available throughout the day. If you choose to pack your child's lunch and it does not provide all four food groups to meet the dietary requirements we will provide supplemental foods in order to fulfill 1/3 of the child's recommended dietary allowance.
Toddlers and Preschool children will lie down for naps daily. The older preschool children do not have to lie down for naps if the parent does not want them to and they will be placed in our afternoon preschool class. If a child decides that they do not want to lay down then they will have the opportunity to do so. When children lie down for naps and their group does not, the child will be placed in a group with the napping children and will return to their group once they are finished with their nap. On occasion, a non-napping child may be placed with the next age group if they are disruptive to the napping children.
Guidance and Management Policy
Our guidance and management policy is one of guidance not punishment or physical force. We will never embarrass or ridicule a child when he or she misbehaves. We do not use corporal or physical punishment nor do we use any form of discipline that would involve meals, toileting, or resting. A "time-out" may be used and children will then be redirected to an appropriate activity. Any "time-out" will not exceed in time one minute for each year of the child's age. Guidance and Management Policies must be adhered to by all employees in the center.
The childcare staff member shall:
1. Use developmentally appropriate techniques suitable to the children’s ages and relevant to the circumstances; such as, but not limited to:
a. Setting clear limits.
b. Redirecting the child to an appropriate activity.
c. Showing children positive alternatives.
d. Modeling the desired behavior.
e. Reinforcing appropriate behavior.
f. Encouraging children to control their own behavior along with cooperating with others and problem-solving by talking things out.
The childcare staff members shall not:
1. Abuse, endanger, or neglect children.
2. Utilize cruel, harsh, unusual, or extreme techniques.
3. Utilize any form of corporal punishment.
4. Delegate children to manage or discipline other children.
5. Use physical restraints on a child.
6. Restrain a child by any means other than holding children for a short period of time, such as a protective hug, so that the child may regain control.
7. Place children in a locked room, or confine children in any enclosed area.
8. Confine children to equipment such as cribs or high chairs.
9. Humiliate, threaten, or frighten children.
10. Subject children to profane language or verbal abuse.
11. Make derogatory or sarcastic remarks about children or their families.
12. Punish children for failure to eat or sleep or for toileting accidents.
13. Withhold any food (including snacks and treats) rest or toilet use.
14. Punish an entire group of children due to the unacceptable behavior of one or a few.
15. Isolate and restrict children from all activities for an extended period of time.
*Suspension/Expulsion - If a child is unable to control their behavior through the above-noted methods a private conference will be scheduled with the administrator and the parents. A plan for more positive behavior will be worked out and closer contact with the parents will be instituted. Outside consultation with a specialist may be required. Due to extreme behavioral issues, your child may be suspended for a day or two based on the situation. Once they return if a child is in danger to himself or to other children, or if the parents refuse to seek outside consultation when recommended, the center reserves the right to terminate the childcare services.
Management of Illness Policy
The administrator will review with all staff members the signs and symptoms of illness and proper hand washing and disinfecting procedures. This review shall be given to each new employee and discussed periodically at staff meetings. Each staff member will be required to be trained and certified in communicable disease recognition and will update their certification as outlined by the state. No staff member shall attend the center if they exhibit signs of communicable disease. The administrator reserves the right to request a physician’s note for a staff member to return to work. A staff member will be available to observe all children upon entering their group. The center will notify the parent or guardian of a child’s condition when a child has been observed with the signs and symptoms listed on the chart below. A child who has been suspected of a communicable disease shall be isolated and provided with a cot and blanket. The child will be within sight and hearing of an adult at all times. No child will be left alone or unsupervised at any time. The child will be readmitted after illness to the center when he or she is free of symptoms of the illness and/or has a doctor’s authorization to return. The communicable disease chart is posted throughout the center and is readily available to parents and employees. Parents of other children in the center will be notified of exposure to communicable diseases by written notification posted on the Parent Information Board and via Brightwheel messaging. Decisions regarding discharging a child will be made by the administrator and parent.
Isolate and send home
1. Temperature of at least 101 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperature shall be taken by the axillary (armpit) method with a digital thermometer. The thermometer shall be sanitized after each use.
2. Diarrhea (more than once)
3. Severe coughing, causing the child to become red or blue in the face or to make a whooping sound.
4. Difficult or rapid breathing.
5. Yellowish skin or eyes.
6. Redness of the eye or eyelid, thick and purulent (pus) discharge, matted eyelashes, burning, itching, or eye pain.
7. Untreated infected skin patches, unusual spots, or rashes.
8. Unusually dark urine and/or gray or white stool.
9. Stiff neck with an elevated temperature.
10. Evidence of untreated lice, scabies, or other parasitic infestations.
11. Sore throat or difficulty in swallowing.
12. Vomiting more than one time or when accompanied by any other sign or symptom of illness.
Administration of Medicine Policy
The centers' policy regarding the administration of medicine, vitamins, modified diets, inhalers, topical medicine, or lotions is as follows: Medication/Vitamins - brought to the center must be in the original bottle with the child's name, dosage amount, instructions, and expiration date. An Administration of Medication Form must be filled out completely with a parent's signature and a physician's signature is required if it is a prescription medication with no specific instructions on the label or a non-prescription medication that is not recommended for the child's age. Medicine will be given by a designated staff member in the center and will be recorded on the form. Non-Prescription Medication - only non-prescription fever/pain-reducing medications that do not contain aspirin or cough/cold medications that contain codeine may be administered by the center, without written instructions from a licensed physician. The prescribed form provided by the ODJFS must be filled out with written instructions and the instructions must not exceed the manufacturers' recommended dosages. The medication must be in its original container with the original label attached. The label must specify appropriate dosages based on the child's age and weight. We will administer the medication for no more than 3 consecutive days within a 14-day period. Each administered dosage will be documented. Modified Diets- shall be approved in writing by a licensed physician. If an entire food group is eliminated the center shall obtain written instructions from a physician on the prescribed form. If your child requires a modified diet please request a form from the center. When special diets are required for cultural or religious reasons the center shall obtain written, dated, and signed instructions from the child's parent or guardian and they must provide the supplement meals and snacks. Non-prescription Tropical Medicine/Lotion- topical products or lotions may be applied with written instructions from the parent or guardian on the form provided by the center. The form shall be valid for no longer than 12 months. The center will follow manufacturers' guidelines regarding the application. When using diaper rash cream the topical product will be applied by the center for no more than 14 consecutive days at any one period of use. Inhalers- children requiring inhalers are permitted to have immediate access to their personal inhalers. The prescribed forms must be completed for their inhaler and updated annually. All childcare staff will be made aware of the children who have immediate access to personal inhalers.
Transportation of Children Policy
Our center’s plan for safety whenever children are transported from the center for field trips or special outings is as follows:
Staff/Child ratio requirements will be met on all field trips. Children will be assigned to specific childcare staff members for all trips, with an accurate record listing each child on the trip.
Parents, guardians, or adults authorized by the center may be drivers on field trips provided that they are at least eighteen yrs. old, hold a currently valid driver’s license, and are not under the influence of any substance that could impair driving abilities. All vehicles must have seat belts for each child and the vehicle must be in good working condition.
A person trained in First Aid and CPR will be available on each trip and a First Aid Box which meets state requirements will be available on each trip.
A completed copy of the Child Enrollment & Health Forms, Medical/Physical Care Plan, and Administration of Medication Form (if needed) is to be taken for each child on all outings.
Each child on the trip will have identification, stating the center’s name, address, and telephone contact number.
Written permission will be required from the parents of each child. This must include the child’s name, the date, time frame, and destination of the trip, and also the parent’s signature.
Working cellular phone.
Any vehicle owned, operated, or leased by the center is required to have an annual safety check, with documentation on file.
Outdoor Play Policy
The center shall provide outdoor play each day in suitable weather. We will not be going outside if the temperature is below 45 degrees, above 90 degrees, or a heat index of 90 degrees or above. We also will not be going outside if it is raining or lightning. Special precautions will be used on days with high humidity and dangerous ozone levels and be limited to 15-20 minutes plus sunscreen will be applied with written parental permission. We will also have water available for all children. On days that we are not able to go outside, we will provide large muscle activities indoors.
What to Wear
We recommend that your child wear play clothes to the center. They will be painting, playing outside, playing with sand/water, and lots of activities that may get their clothes dirty. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. Children will not be allowed outside without the appropriate clothing. Also make sure to write your child's name on the inside of their coat, hat, mittens, etc. We also recommend providing extra clothes for young children.
Swimming Policy
In our Summer program, we may take the school-age children swimming. All swimming sites will meet state and local guidelines for environmental health inspections and will have lifeguards available. There will be 2 staff members to 14 school-age children. All water safety rules will be reviewed with the children prior to participation in water activities. All children will be required to wear a wristband that includes the centers name, address, and phone number. Before children can participate in any water activity a written parental permission slip is required and will be provided for each child.
Outdoor Play Policy
The center shall provide outdoor play each day in suitable weather. We will not be going outside if the temperature is below 40 degrees or above 95 degrees. We also will not be going outside if it is raining or lightning. Special precautions will be used on days with high humidity and dangerous ozone levels, play will be limited to 15 to 20 minutes, and sunscreen will be applied with written parent permission. We also will have water available for all children. On days that we are not able to go outside, we will provide large muscle activities indoors.
What to Wear
We recommend that your child wear play clothes to the center. They will be painting, playing outside, playing with sand and water, and lots of activities that may get their clothes dirty. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. Children will not be allowed outside without the appropriate clothing. Also make sure to write your child’s name on the inside of his or her coat, hat mittens, etc.
Items Brought to the Center
We ask that you limit the number of toys brought from home. Toys from home often get lost or broken and distract the children from the activities that are going on within the center. Your child may bring electronics to be used at the center but they will be taken away and not allowed to bring them if they affect the daily schedule at the center. Your child can only bring them during the free choice activities. If your child does bring any items or devices please understand that Country Day School is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or broken items. For naptime in the Toddler and Preschool Rooms, we do ask that you bring in a small blanket and pillow that stays at the daycare not to be taken back and forth each day. They will be sent home to be washed once a month or when soiled.
Center Closing
The center will be closed on these days throughout the year: New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and the day after, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. In addition, there may be an extra closing day depending on how the holiday(s) falls in the week, but we will notify parents of any and all center closings via Brightwheel and through our Parent Information Board.
© 2015 Country Day School